MATSATSUBI Book 1 Complete Document Written By Abdulaziz Sani Madakin Gini


Jafar and his companions were shown to their accommodations, and they settled in for the night, pondering the challenging situation they found themselves in. The revelation about Galbasa and the impending attack weighed heavily on their minds.

The next day, they were summoned to continue the discussion with King Azbir. As they entered the grand hall with the glass floor filled with swimming fish, they noticed the worried expressions on the faces of the people in the city. The atmosphere was tense, and the impending threat of Galbasa loomed over everyone.

King Azbir, seated on his unique throne, welcomed them and gestured for them to take their seats. Jafar, Yelisa, Mashrila, and Gulzum listened attentively as Azbir elaborated further on the dire situation.

“I have called you here because I believe you may possess the wisdom and strength needed to face the menace of Galbasa and his bloodthirsty followers,” Azbir began. “Our people are in constant fear, and we have tried every conceivable method to repel these attackers, but nothing has worked. Our weapons are useless against them, and their ability to consume the blood of our citizens increases their power.”

Jafar, feeling the weight of the responsibility placed upon him, asked, “Do you have any information about the origin or weakness of Galbasa? Any clue that could help us in devising a strategy?”

King Azbir nodded and said, “Galbasa was once a conqueror who sought dominance over entire continents. He discovered a forbidden ritual that granted him immortality and extraordinary strength, but at a great cost. He turned himself into a creature that survives solely on the blood of the living. His origin is shrouded in mystery, but it is said that he once ruled over vast territories before his insatiable thirst for blood turned him into a feared and loathed figure.”

As the discussion unfolded, Jafar and his companions learned about the history of Galbasa and the five women who served as his formidable allies. These women possessed supernatural abilities and were instrumental in his attacks on different realms.

After hours of deliberation, Jafar proposed a plan to face the impending threat. He suggested seeking out powerful allies from different realms, uniting forces, and confronting Galbasa and his followers head-on. King Azbir, desperate for a solution, agreed to support Jafar in his quest.

With the plan in place, Jafar, Yelisa, Mashrila, Gulzum, and a group of skilled warriors from the city set out on a journey to seek allies and form a coalition against Galbasa. The fate of the city and its people rested on their shoulders, and the battle against the bloodthirsty conqueror awaited them.

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