2024 Job Openings For Foreign Skilled Workers In Germany To Begin June – Requirements, Qualifications & Benefits

The core of the German Mittelstand is comprised of skilled crafts and trades. Offering a diverse array of goods and services, this industry serves the needs of private consumers, businesses, and the industrial sector. Because of this diversity, there is a great need for trained artisans.

It also boasts a healthy work-life balance and a high standard of living. Furthermore, Germany provides its citizens with numerous advantages including social security and healthcare, along with a well-developed infrastructure. Germany can have everything you’re looking for if you’re seeking for a new career or a change of scenery.

Germany’s ‘Opportunity Card’

Starting in June 2024, Germany will allow those who meet the necessary credentials and skills to look for employment opportunities within the country with the “Opportunity Card.”

This will make it possible for qualified job searchers to live and work in Germany.

According to a document obtained by Nairametrics, the Opportunity Card will make it easier for applicants to get employment in Germany. It enables people to work in Germany without having to go through a drawn-out recognition procedure. A university degree or at least two years of vocational training are necessary, in addition to fluency in either German (A1) or English (B2).

Foreign nationals who are fully recognized for their overseas qualifications and are consequently regarded as “skilled workers” are eligible to apply for this Opportunity Card. As a result, there are no more additional conditions needed for the persons to receive an opportunity card, and they won’t need to show documentation of a long-term employment contract.

As long as the bearer is able to sustain oneself, opportunity cards can be issued for up to a year. During their stay in Germany, the holder is permitted to work up to 20 hours per week in secondary jobs or work trials.

The opportunity card may be renewed for a further two years if the holder is offered suitable employment but is unable to secure another resident title due to work-related circumstances.

‘Opportunity Card’ Eligibility

In order to be considered, candidates must present proof of their university degree, a vocational qualification awarded by a German Chamber of Commerce Abroad, or a vocational qualification of at least two years’ duration, each of which must be recognized by the state in the training nation.

Furthermore, a foundational understanding of either German (level A1 CEFR) or English (level B2 CEFR) is necessary.

Points are granted for factors like age, professional experience, language proficiency, age recognition of qualifications in Germany, and the possibility of bringing spouses or partners when these prerequisites are met. A minimum of six points must be earned by applicants in order to be granted an opportunity card.